The TRANSFORMATION power of a COFFEE BEAN with Damon West
Show Notes: Damon realizes that every day is a gift and often times it’s even hard for him to understand his journey Grew up in Port Arthur, TX where his dad, Bob West, was the Sports Editor for the “Port Arthur News” and he describes Port Arthur as a melting pot It wasn’t until he…
Listen to EpisodeDr. Kent Ellington: The quest for PERFECTION
Show Notes: Son of an Air Force pilot and mechanical engineer and he’s always loved the challenge of building things Was the scrappy guy on the basketball court and loved basketball Wanted to be an Air Force pilot like his dad but having to wear glasses would derail that dream Continues the quest with each…
Listen to EpisodeKelly Brooks: Facilitating OPPORTUNITIES through SPORTS
Show Notes: Saw the power of having opportunities through sports firsthand with his sisters playing college basketball and what it has allowed him to do in his career Once you’re a coach, you’ll always be a coach Loves coaching because of his passion for helping others and facilitating those opportunities that create a positive transformation…
Listen to EpisodeSteffi Sorensen: Determination to BELIEVE in YOURSELF
Steffi is recovering from her 3rd shoulder surgery Her parents knew immediately that she had a different drive and determination at an early age She’s always looked up to her older brother and would always want to compete with and against him Her dad and uncle founded Firehouse Subs She loved tennis more at an…
Listen to EpisodePurpose driven by SERVANT leadership with Corinne Milien
Show Notes: Pronunciation of her name is a challenge for people all the time and she even wanted to change her name to Michelle growing up Michelle is still her “club name” so if someone asks for her name while out and she doesn’t want to give it to them she will say, Michelle Parents…
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