Alex Weaver | NASCAR Reporter and Host

Show Notes:
- Her full name is Jordan Alexis Weaver so her initials are JAWS and people would always make the sound of the movie theme
- She’s also commonly referred to as Weave or Weaver
- Was a tomboy growing up and could throw a football at an early age and has great memories of going to Clemson football games as a kid
- Her dad played football at East Carolina and her mom was a cheerleader at Clemson University
- She was an only child and playing on a travel soccer team was a way for her to feel like she had sisters and a bigger family
- During her senior year in high school, she started dabbling in sportscasting during football games and continued as a student at Clemson while she was helping Chad Morris as a Student Administrative Recruiting Assistant
- Never dreamed that she would be working for NASCAR but she feels at home and loves it especially knowing that her grandfather was such a huge NASCAR fan
- It can be tough as a female in a male-dominated sport but she thrives on the challenge
- Words of Wisdom from Alex Weaver: “Do not worry about tomorrow for today is all we have.”
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To Follow Alex Weaver on Instagram: @al_weave
Featured Image Photo Credit: Alex Weaver