Drew Butler | Former NFL Punter and Punt & Pass Podcast Host

Show Notes:
- Rich Spotlight: Drew Butler
- Born in Chicago with his 2 sisters as his dad Kevin Butler played in the NFL for 13 years (11 with Chicago and 2 with Cardinals)
- Moved to Georgia in 1999 and has loved football his whole life but never played until high school
- His nickname was Little Butthead because his dad’s nickname with the Chicago Bears was Butthead
- Started the Punt & Pass Podcast with Aaron Murray as he saw that no former recent football players were doing something like his idea
- His goal was to be a PGA Tour player but eventually starting playing football at Peachtree Ridge High School and was a better punter than a kicker
- Almost went to Duke but decided to attend Georgia like his father after they offered him a scholarship instead of being a preferred walk-on
- Beliefs there are so many crossover similarities from kicking and golf and loves how both golf and kicking can never be perfected
- Words of Wisdom from Drew Butler:
- “Positivity plus persistence equals perseverance.”
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Featured Image Photo Credit: Campus Lore