Episode 22: Wes Durham | Voice of Atlanta Falcons & Radio/TV Play-by-Play Announcer

Episode 22: Wes Durham | Voice of Atlanta Falcons & Radio/TV Play-by-Play Announcer
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Rich Take On Sports
Show Notes:
- Rich Spotlight: Wes Durham
- Wes loved basketball from an early age and fell in love with the art of storytelling with play-by-play
- His dad Woody Durham who was the Voice of the Tarheels was a huge influence in his life and still seeks his advice
- Started his career at Radford but knew he would move on since Radford didn’t have a football team
- Spent 18-years at Georgia Tech and felt that he wanted to prove that he could do TV and ultimately left Georgia Tech to pursue TV Play-by-Play opportunities
- Before leaving Georgia Tech he was able to call games opposite of his dad who was calling the games for UNC and it was a thrill
- Wes understands the differences between tv play-by-play versus radio play-by-play and just wants to make sure and get out of the way when doing tv but focus on storytelling with radio
- Words of Wisdom from Wes: “Being a professional means doing something you love on days you don’t feel like doing it.”
- Weekly Words of Wisdom:
- “It’s not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant
Social Media:
To Follow Wes Durham on Twitter: @WesDurham
To Follow Wes Durham on Facebook: Wes Durham
Support Aphasia Research: Woody Durham Aphasia Research T-Shirt
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