Episode 26: Alan Stein, Jr. | Performance Leadership Coach

Episode 26: Alan Stein, Jr. | Performance Leadership Coach
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Rich Take On Sports
Show Notes:
- Rich Spotlight: Alan Stein, Jr.
- Basketball has been so good to him and he will always give his full support to basketball and hopes that parents and athletes will stop focusing on exposure and start focusing on fundamentals
- Fell in love with basketball first but played all Sports
- Performance side of Sports and training started in high school after meeting Washington Redskins Strenght & Conditioning Coach John Philbin
- Attended Elon College now Elon University on a basketball scholarship
- Never has worked a traditional job and loves entrepreneurship
- Continues to be involved with basketball performance coaching and training but now is focusing on another venture in corporate leadership speaking
- Considers Jay Bilas, Kevin Eastman, Jon Gordon, George Raveling as mentors
- Focuses on the ability to continue to learn and evolve in all aspects of life
- Words of Wisdom from Alan Stein, Jr.: “Self-awareness and being authentic is crucial to anyone’s success.”
- Weekly Words of Wisdom:
- “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” Will Durant
Social Media:
To Follow Alan Stein, Jr. on Twitter: @AlanSteinJr
Find More Information about Alan Stein, Jr.: Alan Stein, Jr.
Find More Information about Pure Sweat Basketball: Pure Sweat Basketball
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