Rennie Curran | NFL Veteran & Game Changer Coaching CEO

Show Notes:
- Parents came to America from Liberia and Rennie’s mom went to Emory University
- Going back to Liberia as an adult was very powerful and has much more appreciation for everything in life
- His goal is to build a state-of-the-art training facility for sports and education in Liberia
- Starting playing football for the Brookwood Community Football League and was immediately hooked on football
- Grew up with two sisters and football was his opportunity of having brothers
- Wanted to play RB at University of Georgia but Thomas Davis showed him that defense could be fun also
- Has a musical ear and plays multiple instruments
- His decision to go pro after his Junior season was based on being a father and he wanted to provide for his daughter
- During his playing career, he would shut off emotions to deal with fans, crowds and staying focused
- He continues to stay in a constant growth mindset which was developed through sports
- Words of Wisdom from Rennie Curran: “Training camp moments in life.”
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Featured Image Photo Credit: Rennie Curran